This is the current climate summary for station/object XE2RCS-1. Daily values are determined by calculating the stations local timezone. If no readings are displayed in any of the tables below it means there has not been enough weather information collected for that period.
Today's Weather | |
High Temperature | 22.78° C |
Low Temperature | 13.33° C |
Average Temperature | 17.09° C |
Rain: | 0 mm |
Wind (Gust): | 0 m/s (12.52 m/s) |
Highest Pressure: | 1021 mm |
Lowest Pressure | 1014 mm |
Yesterday's Weather | |
High Temperature | 18.33° C |
Low Temperature | 8.33° C |
Average Temperature | 12.18° C |
Rain: | 0 mm |
Wind (Gust): | 0 m/s (1.79 m/s) |
Highest Pressure: | 1025 mm |
Lowest Pressure | 1020 mm |
Weather for the Past Week | Today | Yesterday | Thu Jan 02 | Wed Jan 01 | Tue Dec 31 | Mon Dec 30 | Sun Dec 29 |
High Temperature | 22.78° C | 18.33° C | 21.67° C | 17.78° C | 25° C | 26.67° C | 24.44° C |
Low Temperature | 13.33° C | 8.33° C | 6.67° C | 7.78° C | 10.56° C | 10.56° C | 7.78° C |
Average Temperature | 17.09° C | 12.18° C | 13.82° C | 11.87° C | 16.01° C | 16.65° C | 14.56° C |
Rain: | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm |
Wind: | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s |
Wind Gust: | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s | 0 m/s |
Highest Pressure: | 1021 mm | 1025 mm | 1024 mm | 1022 mm | 1019 mm | 1018 mm | 1020 mm |
Lowest Pressure | 1014 mm | 1020 mm | 1018 mm | 1018 mm | 1014 mm | 1013 mm | 1015 mm |
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